
Industry Partners

The NPA is the front line of defense for the long-term stability of the pawn industry.
Craig Harrison
CEO, M&M Merchandisers

Become an NPA Industry Partner

NPA’s Industry Partners are a valued and committed group of professionals supporting pawnbrokers worldwide. Offering a diverse selection of products and services across multiple categories, NPA Industry Partners are trusted and qualified vendors providing education, tools, resources, guidance and direction to NPA members seeking the very products and services our vendors offer. In addition, the NPA offers a variety of advertising and sponsorship opportunities throughout the year to help Industry Partners highlight and showcase their messaging within the NPA network. It is a WIN-WIN.

Industry Partner benefits include:

  • Listing, logo, and description in print Industry Partners Buyers Guide (July)
  • Listing on
  • Inclusion in the Industry Partner listing, every quarter in the print magazine
  • Access to NPAConnect (the NPA online private community platform to share ideas, meet and learn)
  • Opportunity to post special member-only deals and promotions on NPA Marketplace
  • Exclusive and highly discounted advertising, sponsorship and event opportunities
  • Opportunity to include marketing flyer in the “NPA Welcome Kit” for new members
  • Use of NPA Industry Partner logo to identify your business as an Industry Partner
  • Subscription to National Pawn Magazine and This Week in Pawn enewsletter
  • Recognition as a supporter of the largest and most qualified network of reputable professionals in the industry advocating or the legal rights of pawn industry businesses
  • ….and more!

Get your message out to the NPA membership by:
1. Advertising in both print and digital formats.
2. Sponsoring an event.
3. Exhibiting at Pawn Expo

For more information on these opportunities to showcase your business to members, contact Jody Kudless,
